Saturday, July 09, 2005

I've just worked out a vaguely Harry Potteresque

device for my novel, as a way of further exploring the main character's emotions (about which she is wholly in denial)--it has just this minute come to me in a flash. Did you ever have a mood ring when you were a kid?


  1. I did - remember when mood technology segued into other clothing items? I remember wearing a mood shirt in the Caribbean for a summer and I ended up looked mad all the time except when I got it wet.

  2. Yes, and if you investigate the world of online junk purchases, turns out we could still be getting mood shirts and such! I'm very tempted...

  3. I remember mood shirts back in the eighties! They usually featured two blotches of moodiness under the armpits...

  4. try the new and improved Mood Shirt™
