Sunday, September 14, 2008


An interesting AP story on the use of digital studbooks to matchmake between animals at different zoos.

ED. Bonus: animal training link...


  1. Within the pages from your animal training link is one to a separate site on enrichment of animals' environments:
    Animal Enrichment


  2. The Boarder will be pleased to know that the lions have cardboard enrichment activities!

  3. Hi Jenny-

    This is nothing to do with studs, but I just wanted to thank you for introducing me to Lionel Shriver's writing. I read "Double Fault" a couple of years ago when you recommended it, and found it powerful and thought-provoking.

    Last night I finished "We Need to Talk about Kevin." Oh my god! Off the Powerfully thought provoking meter! What an amazing writer!

    Thanks again. Keep the recs coming.
