Saturday, December 27, 2008

Kid art

When my mother moved from her old house to her new one, she got rid of a ton of stuff, but she wanted to keep at least one piece of art made by each of her children in their youth! She now has three framed childhood pictures of ours (there is quite a bit of other later-stage art by my brothers around the place, it was not so much in my line once I got older), and I thought I would blog 'em! Click to get a closer view.

A picture of my beloved cat Lamb Chop holding a tiny me on a swing:

Jonathan's crocodile:

Michael's rocket-ship (including an appealing detail that cannot quite be seen in the picture, the NASA Barber Shop - if you click you can see it, though, and also that there is a tiny ferris wheel in the background!):

Bonus link - a group of clay figures I made in third grade, when I was obsessed on the one hand with making things out of clay (I was very upset when the main wizard figure slumped down before it was fired!) and on the other with an elaborate game of witches that I played in the graveyard behind the school with my friends Debby and Dara. The figure in the foreground isn't deformed - it's a chimpanzee!

All pictures courtesy of Jessi - thanks!


  1. Lamb Chop! GI Joe Pawn Shop! Crocodile!

    (This post is really too delightful for words.)
