Monday, August 18, 2008

Maneuverability problems

Brooklyn two-headed turtle heist.


  1. "In the wild they would have zero chance. In captivity most die within a few days of birth."

    Turtle pellets must be broken into two pieces or the two heads will fight over the food.

    Clearly, two heads not better....

  2. Oh dear ...

  3. Dear Jenny,

    Keith Lee Morris, a writer of remarkable skill, has brought the Western
    American novel back to life with his forthcoming title The Dart League King.
    The Believer dubbed Morris the "heir to the Richard Ford of Rock Springs,"
    and we couldn't agree more.

    Please reply with your mailing address and I will send you a review copy. If
    you have any further questions or need any information electronically,
    please don't hesitate to ask.

    Thanks for your time,

    Deborah Jayne
    Director of Publicity
    Tin House Books
    503-219-0622 ext. 17

    The Dart League King (978-0-9794198-8-1; $14.95; October 2008) Russell
    Harmon is the self-proclaimed king of his small-town Idaho dart league, but
    all is not well in his kingdom. Taking place in a single day, The Dart
    League King follows five characters at pivotal moments in their lives. In
    the midst of the league championship match, the intertwining stories of
    those gathered at the 321 Club reveal Russell's dangerous debt to a local
    drug dealer, his teammate's involvement in the disappearance of a college
    student, and a love triangle with a former classmate. The characters in
    Keith Lee Morris's second novel struggle to find the balance between
    accepting and controlling their destinies, but their fates are inextricably

    Keith Lee Morris is an associate professor of English and creative writing
    at Clemson University. His short stories have been published in A Public
    Space, Southern Review, Ninth Letter, StoryQuarterly, New England Review,
    The Sun, and the Georgia Review, among other publications. The University of
    Nevada published his first two books: The Greyhound Gods (2003) and The Best
    Seats in the House (2004). He lives in Clemson, South Carolina.

  4. Jenny-

    I am so sorry to have left marketing copy in the comments of your site--it was not my intention. I apologize for the mix-up.

