Monday, September 10, 2007

Taking things apart

Today I have to do two funny little jobs that are unfortunately highly congruent with each other. I am not particularly looking forward to them, though neither should take more than five minutes (well, maybe ten...):

1. Replace the keyboard on my laptop. Hmmm--the T came off about a month ago, but there was a funny little plastic nipple-type thing underneath that worked perfectly well--the left index finger hits that letter, it wasn't like last year when the space bar fell off and I really had to do something about it immediately. But this week it was getting a lot of use, and the little rubbery thing came off too--still more or less functional, but now just a flat panel that needs a gentle sort of stroke of the finger, NOT very good! It is very nerve-racking, though, taking something important apart when it's not quite clear how it's going to come back together--Dell sent me another keyboard, I'm under warranty, but I never opened the box--I thought I'd better wait till after the book was done....

2. Get my bicycle onto this! My swimming teacher has loaned it to me, very exciting--and really this should be the work of a moment--but I am still at the stage where it makes me rather nervous to contemplate popping the wheel off...

We will just hope that at the end of the day my apartment is not a pile of spare parts...

1 comment:

  1. These guys and their engineering skills, nipples, "little rubbery things" and male-female joints, I find it all quite alienating. I admire your perseverence and not being put off by it all -- when something like this happens to me I seriously consider just going out and buying a new computer. My bank balance and the environmental thought police conspire to make me be "adult" about it, but it is an effort.
