Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Best kept guinea pig

Lots of book-related stuff at the New York Observer this week, including Adam Begley on Cormac McCarthy's new novel (it's a thoughtful review, but doesn't persuade me this is one for me to read, though I prefer post-apocalyptic to Western as a mode: the only McCarthy novel I've read is All the Pretty Horses, didn't take to it at all, in fact McCarthy is on my short list of novelists that might be worth reading just so I can explain why I dislike their books with greater conviction and less irrational prejudice); also, Robert Gottlieb on the recent spate of books and movies about Britain's royals. I definitely want to see The Queen (strange to say, unless I'm misremembering I have not seen a single movie in 2006; the last thing I remember seeing was Syriana, which I found myself referring to in class the other day). Resolution for 2007: see more movies! This has been my resolution every year for the past five or six, never happens, but there's always a chance....

1 comment:

  1. I would definitely read one of McCarthy's first five (pre-All the Pretty Horses) novels to make such a determination as it is by far more accessible and different than those. I'd look at Suttree, or Child of God.

    Dan Wickett
    EWN/Dzanc Books
